Our Story

The Seed of Light Spiritist Centre is a non-for-profit organisation, established in Sydney, Australia over 25 years ago. Here we study, practice and diffuse the Spiritist Doctrine.

Our group was the first Spiritist Centre in Australia. Our studies and teachings are based on Allan Kardec‘s Spiritism Codification and the teachings of Jesus Christ. These ideas provide a wonderful set of tools to support individuals achieve spiritual enlightenment through spiritual education, physical and mental healing and mostly, the practice of Love in Action (Charity).

What we believe

Allan Kardec was a pseudonym used by Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail – a French thinker and an Academic educator who compiled and categorised many of the Spiritist teachings through the publication of several books between 1857 and 1868. Professor Rivail’s books bring to us a set of ideas that embrace the spiritual nature of human beings and are deeply connected with the teachings of the Christ. To learn more about these books, check our resource library here.

In Spiritism, there is no organized priesthood, no gurus or formal hierarchy. Spiritism teaches us that we are all students in this immense school which we call planet Earth. With that in mind, we welcome you to join us on this voyage. Let us learn how we may strengthen our spiritual essence together through the practice of Love in Action (Charity) and all the virtues that come along with it, like respect and compassion

Seed of Light - Woman with arms up to the sky